Starting a company in Peru as a digital nomad – Virginia’s story

Starting a company in Peru as a digital nomad

Virginia and her family recently started their business in Peru and the whole story why and how this happened is so interesting and full of coincidences and fascinating experiences and life choices that I’ve decided to ask her for an interview and share some additional details.

The interview with Virginia is a bit different from the other interviews with digital nomads I’ve published so far. If you’ve missed them, here they are:


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digital nomads in peru

Well, let’s get started now. I’m sure you’re already curious to hear about Virginia’s story.

Virginia, would you tell us a little about yourself and your family?

Sure. I’m originally from Argentina but lived in Germany for a long time. It’s where I got to know my husband and had my two children who are currently almost 4 and 6 years old. I had a good job and a comfortable life but something was missing. Everything seemed to be planned and I found myself increasingly less willing to take risks. I think I became aware of it during a holiday in Thailand about 2 years ago.

What was missing?

Difficult to explain. Let’s say that Thailand was a different world, neither like Germany nor like Argentina. It made me curious and I became aware that there are still so many places to discover and explore on this planet. And that the vacation time we were annually given by our employers wasn’t enough to see everything I suddenly wanted to see. I mean, I don’t want to complain, with an average of 28 days of paid vacation each year, German employers are very generous. But you know what it’s like when there’s suddenly an idea or a desire in your mind you can’t get rid of. I also wanted another challenge in my life, not just job and family, try something new, get out of my comfort zone. At that time in Thailand, I had no idea yet what we could or should do and how. It was just this desire to change something.

Well, after our return to Germany, my husband and I talked about the possibility of an extended period of travel. Our first idea was going to India. We even bought flight tickets. However, the longer we thought about it, the more it seemed a bit too courageous as the culture is so very different from what we were used to and we had the kids. So we eventually cancelled the flights. Then, some friends suggested South America. It seemed logical. I’m from Argentina after all, still have family there and we all speak Spanish. It would nevertheless be something totally different and the South American countries are not all the same. Argentina and especially the region around Buenos Aires has quite a bit in common with Europe but countries like Bolivia or Peru have their very own cultures.

So you booked flights to Argentina?

Yes, we did. But we also shipped our car to Uruguay because we had decided to explore South America by car. It seemed to be more convenient with the kids. So we arrived in South America in October 2018, drove all the way down to Patagonia and then back north through Chile and to Peru. Until then, we had lived off our savings but realized that at least one of us needed to find a job which would allow us to continue travelling. Well, an opportunity came up for my husband but it required a tax number.

Didn’t you keep your German tax numbers?

We’re no longer residents in Germany. You know, my daughter Emma will soon be 6 years and would have to start school in September 2019. Unlike other countries, Germany doesn’t give parents the opportunity to homeschool their kids. So we had to decide between doing just 10 – 12 months of travel or giving up our residency in Germany. When we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of both options, we had already reached a point where we wanted as little restrictions as possible. We wanted to be free to decide ourselves when and if we’d end our travels and settle down again. Therefore we chose the second option.

business solutions for digital nomads in peru

Ok, I understand. And now you have a company which is registered in Peru and provides you with a tax number. How did this happen?

Well, we had first thought about Argentina but the bureaucratic hurdles were simply too high. While we were still looking for other possibilities, someone liked one of my Instagram photos and started to follow me. I have a pretty new account and am excited about every like and new follower. Well, that “like” came from your account, Digital Nomads Peru. We had just arrived in Peru and I became curious. That’s how I discovered your website and the interview you did with Sergio of NVC Abogados about creating a company in Peru as a digital nomad. It looked like a perfect solution for us. I contacted Sergio on the very same day, he got back to me immediately and gave us an appointment at his office in Barranco, Lima on the next day.

After we had explained our situation and needs, he answered all our questions and we decided to give it a go. Being familiar with German and Argentine bureaucracy, I hadn’t expected things in Peru to be so much easier. Sergio prepared all the necessary paperwork for us, we signed everything and are business owners now. We were only looking for a solution for my husband but as we’re both partners, I can now use the same company whenever I want to start working online. Peruvian companies also have the advantage that you can offer a wide range of business activities. Sergio included everything which might be relevant for us in the future.

huacachina desert oasis peru

Sounds great. And what are your plans now?

Well, we’re currently on our way to Argentina where we’ll leave our car with my parents. In August, we have some business and private appointments in Europe, so we’ll stay there for a while. Afterwards, we’ll come back to South America, continue our journey and become real digital nomads, combining work with travel.

Thank you very much, Virginia!

Here’s once again the link to Virginia’s Instagram account where you can virtually follow her on her journeys: Mundobeyo

digital nomad family in peru

Curious about Peru and its possibilities for digital nomads now?

Most people Sergio works with start their company in order to obtain a work visa and be granted a residence permit for Peru but as Virginia’s example shows, that doesn’t have to be necessarily the case. Personally, I’m still toying with the idea to apply for a visa for Mexico and would then keep my company in Peru because Mexico requires proof of a steady income from abroad to qualify for a temporary visa.

If Peru looks like a good option for you and you’d like to know about the requirements for obtaining a temporary or permanent residency permit, I recommend reading these posts:

Please contact Sergio directly through the form below if you’d like to start your company in Peru and/or become a resident by obtaining a work or rentista visa.

Disclaimer: As some people are asking me this question: No, I don’t earn anything by referring people to Sergio and NVC Abogados. He’s not part of my affiliate network, so to speak. He offered me a commission but I declined as I prefer to be independent (that’s why I don’t accept sponsored posts, either). I’m recommending him and we work so closely together because I’ve known him for quite a while now, see how he works and know from own experience that he’s absolutely trustworthy and professional. As simple as that.

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