Archive for the Residency & Visas Category

How to start an NGO in Peru as a foreigner

How to start an NGO in Peru as a foreigner
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How to obtain Peruvian citizenship

How to obtain Peruvian citizenship

Are you interesting in a Peruvian passport? In this interview with Sergio Vargas, one of Peru’s most experienced immigration lawyers, you’ll find all the information you need for starting your process of obtaining Peruvian citizenship.

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Starting a company in Peru as a digital nomad – Virginia’s story

Starting a company in Peru as a digital nomad - Virginia's story
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How to renew a work visa in Peru

How to renew a work visa in Peru
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How to obtain a RENTISTA VISA in Peru

How to obtain a RENTISTA VISA in Peru

Are you looking to retire in Peru? Did you know that it’s possible to obtain a permanent retirement visa when you receive dividends from a company abroad? Find out all requirements for Peru’s rentista visa in this article.

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Residency in Peru – How you can become a legal resident

Residency in Peru - How you can become a legal resident

Would you like to live in Peru and become a legal resident? Are you interested in a work visa for Peru? Check out this article to read about my experience in detail.

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