10 inspirational books for digital nomads

10 inspirational books for digital nomads

I’ve read a lot as long as I can remember. When I want to learn something new and can choose between an ebook and a video course, I’ll always choose the ebook. Unless something requires visual aid to be explained in a simpler way. 

I find reading relaxing and remember things I read about much better than anything I see on YouTube. May be an introverted thing. I also prefer  writing to speaking. 

I used to have an apartment full of bookshelves, now I have my virtual library and would like to share some of my recent favourites with you. 

When I was younger, I read a lot of fiction but nowadays I prefer to read books which cheer me up when I’m in a difficult situation, biographies of people I find inspiring, well-written business books or travel guides with a personal touch. 

I read in English, German and Spanish, normally 2 – 4 books a month. 

All books I’m introducing here are available for Kindle. However, you don’t need to own a Kindle device, there’s an app called “Amazon Kindle” or you use the Amazon Cloud Reader. 

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Best books for digital nomads

James Altucher: Choose yourself

You will either love or hate this book. I loved it because I love James Altucher’s writing style. Don’t expect it to be a serious self-help book but if you read it while you’re in a bad mood or things are going wrong, it will definitely cheer you up. And the message is powerful: If you don’t choose yourself, nobody else will. Choose yourself but don’t be selfish, that’s the essence of this book and that’s what I like about it. It has recently helped me to pull myself out of a hopeless situation by doing exactly what Altucher suggests: Choosing myself. 


Jen Sincero: You are a badass

Probably the same as with James Altucher. You’ll either love or hate Jen Sincero. It took me about two chapters to like her style but now I’m a fan of hers. Just like James Altucher, she will motivate you when you feel down or need a little kick in the ass but this is not the right book if you suffer from a clinical depression or are in serious trouble. If you’re in doubt which book to buy, choose Altucher 🙂


Brian Tracy: Eat that frog – 21 ways to stop procrastinating and get more done in less time

If you’re a procrastinator, this book is a must-read for you. It will help you to prioritize and become more organized. You’ll be surprised how many things you do not have to do as they’re a waste of time and you’ll learn which tasks you should do without thinking twice because those are the ones which will bring you forward.


Richard Branson: Losing my virginity 

With Richard Branson, you can’t go wrong. He’s not only a successful entrepreneur but also has a charismatic personality and visionary views. This book is not his newest one but in my opinion, it’s the best to start with and if you get hooked, you are welcome to read his other books as well.


Sylvia Loeken: The power of personality – How introverts and extroverts can combine to amazing effect 

I’m an introvert and to be honest, having to deal with extroverts often drives me crazy and leaves me pretty exhausted. On the other hand, they push me in a way that fellow introverts are not capable of doing. This book is VERY helpful for introverts but I’d also encourage extroverts to read it so that you understand a bit better how introverts function, why interaction between introverts and extroverts sometimes goes wrong and what to do about it. 


Rina Jakubowicz: The yoga mind

A lot of nomads I know practice yoga or are even yoga teachers. Personally, I’m not a spiritual person and practice yoga mainly for the physical exercise. However, I’ve always found it interesting to understand the philosophy between certain concepts. If you’re someone who would like to go beyond the physical practice, you’ll definitely benefit from this book. Well, and practical persons like me will broaden their theoretical knowledge at least :-). 


Matthew Kepnes: Ten years a nomad – A traveler’s journey home

Matthew Kepnes is “Nomadic Matt”, the guy who runs one of the world’s biggest and best-known budget travel websites. In this book, Matt reflects about his life and travels and also recalls all kind of events and situations from 10 years of travel. A must-read for all (aspiring) digital nomads and perpetual travelers. If you’ve already been traveling for a while, you’ll be able to relate to a lot of what Matt writes. 


Seth Godin: This is marketing

Seth Godin has not only written 18 bestselling books but also published more than 7,000 blog posts. Ok, many of them are not very long but it’s nevertheless quite a bit. If you’re trying to build a brand, find new customers and grow your business, this book will help you understand better what marketing really is, what change means and why it is so important. 


Walter Isaacson: Steve Jobs

Have you ever noticed that most introverts hardly ever smile with a wide open mouth? Search for images of Richard Branson and Steve Jobs and see the difference. Two very successful and inspiring people but two totally different personalities. This biography is the result of more than 40 interviews with Steve Jobs as well as numerous interviews with family members, friends, colleagues and competitors. Read it and learn more about one of the most inventive people of the past 30 years. 


Timothy Ferriss: The 4-hour workweek

Every digital nomad has heard of this book but have you actually read it? The first edition of “The 4-hour workweek” was published in 2007 but new content has been added so it’s definitely worth it to buy the book and read it. You can still learn a lot from it and it’s fascinating to see how at least parts of Tim Ferriss’ ideas are becoming reality for more and more people. I may be far away from a 4-hour workweek but I can live (almost) everywhere at least. 



Hope you liked some of the books I introduced here. Or do you have any other suggestions? Just write in the comments. Well, and I’m pretty sure that this was not my last book post. 

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10 inspirational books for digital nomads
10 inspirational books for digital nomads
Daniela Fries
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